Sunday, September 30, 2007

My favorite movie

My favortie movie of all time is "LOVE AND BASKETBALL". I love this movie and can watch it all because it shares a story. It takes about how two bestfriends fall for each other after living next door to each other forever. This movie shows that boys and girls can be best friends for long periods of time. It also shows that you will eventually fall for that person as shown in the movie. this movie explain how they were each other scape goats when they had problems and could talk to each other about anything.
Monica new Q and Q new Monica like nobody else could understand them. The things that they told each other they could not tell anybody else. So it is good to have a friend that you can talk to and get the opposites sex opinion of something.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My family and friends

My family makes me happy in many ways than onee. Their there for me in my time of need.They help me get through rough times. They are the people that i can always count on them. I have no doubt that they will never leave me. I am happy when my family can get together and do something positive. It helps me see what qa real family is like that sticks together no matter what happens.
Some of my friends are the backone of my life. so if i did not have them i would not know what to do with out them. All of my friends are like family and help me as if I were family to them. They are always there and i knoow that i can count on them as well.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I was born and raise here in Chicago. I feel that I can not live in any other city. I feel that way because i will always be a Chicagoian at heart. My family lives here as well as all of my friends. My life to me would be different because i could never say that I'm a city kid from the South Austin Area. It has been great to grow up here because i have been around many different culture and types of people. I have learned to love people for who they are and where they come from.

The things that I appreciate Chicago for its sight seeing. Chicago has many things that you can do. Chicago is a place to party and a place to have fun while with family as well as friends. My home city is very diverse but it is also very segragated. I say this because there are neighborhoods full of whites, blacks, and hispanics. There are certain parts of the city that certain nationalities live in.

There are things that i do hate bt right now i am unable to think of any of them. My city is a city that welcomes everybody. It is a place that almost any new comer can call home.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I think that it is called harvest musing because you want us to get wraped in our writing so that we can become better . It is called harvest musings because you want us to get wrapped up in what we do with our writing. As well as what we learn on a day to day basis. So that we are able to spend time and not let all of our time go to waste. So while your musing you are usually deep in thought about something or writing. This is why i think that it is called Harvest musing.