Monday, November 2, 2009

Life As I Know It.......

Life is crazy as it is far away from home and was loving it all until that call came in that day. She was in the hospital and everybody else was sick high fever, sore throat, and upset stomach. Things were looking good for my family new thing came about and we were just going back to having our normal lives again. Since normal is something that my family is not that was a great thing.
My grandmother was the head of the family she kept everything together from the schedules to who had what chore to do that night. My grandmother was on top of everything and no one was to even question her at all. This was a known factor that many people ever crossed. Even though she had a stroke in the wee hours of the morning she knew that she had to hold on because of the high place she holds in the family. She held on because she knew herself that we wouldn't be able to make it through life without her.
My grandmother is key to a lot of things that would not run smoothly without her. She raised me from a child to the women that I am today. As I continue to learn from her I will be able to raise my children as she once raised me. With a good Christian upbringing and somethings that would make a mans family proud to have and to welcome me with open arms and warm hearts. These things that my grandmother has instilled in me are here because that is who I am on the inside and out. They help me pass by the little things and come up above the things that people behind me and in front of me cannot handle. It allows me the strength to hold on and continue so that I can become better than the next person no matter what has happened within the past 18 years of my life. My family gives me the help that I need to push on and to be strong for the ones that are coming behind me and for those that have passed before me.