Monday, September 29, 2008

The one thing that I cannot stand about is my height. There are times where I wish that I can my height because I am the tallest girl. There are times where my height comes on handy such as to reach something that is high on a shelf. Another thing that is that i was usually taller than the other kids when I was younger which was not the best thing. I have gotten use to my height but if I had a choice I would be a whole foot or inch shorter.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Dinner to Dream About.................

If I could have dinner with any three people i would have to say my grandfather and my great grandparents who are deceased. I would chose them because I would want to really let them know how the teachings that they instilled in me years ago are still there. I would also want the to hear all the great stories that I have about Ayriel because they never got the chance to meet her. I would also tell them of my many great accomplishments and the college decisions that i have decided to make to become a better person. I would also show them pictures of how everybody has grown and made different choices than the ones that were planned.These are the people who help my grandparents raise me so in my eyes they are very important because of their roles in my life. So this would be a thank you to all of them.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My House and Neighborhood

My house has been crazy for the past couple of weeks. My liitle sister the twin has been coming over every weekend for the past three weeks. My grandparents haver been out to woodhaven for the past four weekends to get some peace and quiet.My sister Nisha works from 12:30 to 9:00 everyday. So when I get home I have to do my homework, clean, and take a nap before I or someone else goes to pick Ayriel up from school. My niece and her mother are usualyy gone somwhere until like 5 0r 6. But since my sister is now in school her and my niece take trips to the Lombard library. When my grandparents are in town my grandfather is always running doing for everybody and some times he does not get time to rest. My grandmother on the other hand is always running with me, Niya, and Ayriel because she wants to spend time with each of us personally. The lights in my house are very bright during all times of the day no matter where you are or what you are doing. The noises of the different televisions fill the air as well as the screams of all the children along with the pitty patter fo their feet as the walk and run the hall and stairs. My neighbirhood has come through many changes and all of them are good. Even thought we have many abandoned houses on my block it has come up from a neighborhood full of drug dealing to a neighborhood full of change. The adults have pushed for this so that all of the children would not have to see crackhead, and young black man making drug sells to the majority. The death toll in my neighbrhood raises and drops just as the clock ticks. All of the changes have actually made my neighborhood better than it was before. There are still drug dealers but there are very few of them because they are changing what they do so that they will have a fututre. I enjoy all of the change that happens in my neighborhood because I know that the changes that are happening are happening for the better. No I do not wish that it was different because my neighborhood made me the way that I am today.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Fear

My biggest fear is spiders. Even though they are uncappable of bodily harm unless they are posinous spiders. They not only scare me because of all the legs that they have but because of the way that they look. If anybody was to chase me with a spider any time soon i would just lay down and die. I am really passionate about not liking spider's because it not the only insect that scares me. I'm afraid of anything that flies and has legs or wings besides brids, cats, and dogs.